Grizzly Bear Sighting – Gibsons/Port Mellon

Please be aware that a grizzly bear has been seen in this area. You can refer to this article in the Coast Reporter

According to the article, the public is advised to avoid hiking trails and bush around Reed and Payne Roads. 

Other tips: 

  • Keep children close by and pets on leash.
  • When walking near wooded areas: carry bear spray, walk in groups, and make some noise to avoid surprising a bear.
  • Pick fruit trees as they ripen.
  • Secure garbage until the morning of pick up, or take it directly to the landfill.
  • Put away or clean BBQs, bring pet food indoors, remove bird feeders and any other source of food or food scents.

It also advises to report sightings of the bear to the BCCOS RAPP line: 1-877-952-7277