Snow Removal
I hope everyone enjoyed the snow day. Thanks to those who helped to shovel the main driveway. Our snow removal company came and finished up the main driveway late this afternoon. They will be …
What Will Happen If You Trip Your Breaker
During weather which is different from our normal moderate coastal climate, it is easier to trip your breaker. Your breaker trips when electrical demand inside the RV exceeds the amount of electricity provided at …
Cold Snap Predicted for Week of January 8
Looking at the weather forecast, below freezing temperatures are forecast later this week and the following 4 or 5 days. We would like to remind you of the importance of protecting your water supply. …
Washroom Cleaning – Wednesday, January 3
The bathrooms, showers and laundry room will be cleaned on Wednesday, January 3. The cleaner is usually on site at 9:30 a.m. Please do not use the bathroom when you see the cleaner on …